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Self-Management Supports for Children with Special Health Care Needs

Organization: SRI International

Primary Contact: Tali Klima

Grant Amount: $69,589 for 5 months

Date Awarded:

Date Completed:


SRI International will compare data from a survey on the caregiving burdens on California families to national data on a similar sample of families. This analysis will shed light on the experiences of families, the supports already in place to help them, and ways that the pediatric care system can improve the supports it offers.  


SRI International developed a detailed analytic framework to apply to previously collected survey data provided by another organization. After systematic and thorough investigation of the data and significant troubleshooting, SRI International determined that the data had fundamental validity and reliability issues that prohibited its team from completing any further analyses. SRI International developed a comprehensive final report to illustrate the challenges with the dataset and the methods. In light of the unreliability of the data, SRI International was unable to conduct the requested in-depth analysis of caregiving burdens. The grant was terminated early and the remaining funds returned.